Discover living in Roermond and its surroundings

Living in Maasniel

If you like living in a peaceful, village-like environment without leaving the city, Maasniel is ideal for you. They don’t call Maasniel (or as they say locally: ‘Neel’) a village in the city for nothing. In Maasniel, you have all the conveniences thanks to many shops, restaurants, (sports) clubs and much more. Does Maasniel sound like music to your ears? Then read on and find out more about living in Maasniel.


Discover living in Maasniel
What do you need to know about Maasniel?

Maasniel in a nutshell

Living in Maasniel is ideal for anyone who likes to live close to the city centre. In fact, ‘Neel’ is just a few minutes by bike from the bustling centre of Roermond. But make no mistake: Maasniel itself also has a lot to offer. The urban village is rich in amenities such as sports clubs, schools and restaurants. So you are guaranteed to succeed in Maasniel when it comes to basic amenities. Many young people from the region live in Maasniel and enjoy living there. But even as an outsider, you can easily integrate here. There is no such thing as a ageing population here. If you are looking for a part of town where you can live comfortably as a (young) family, Maasniel might be perfect for you.


The amenities in Maasniel

Maasniel is packed with amenities. Here you will find an awful lot of sports associations, schools, clubs, shops and other important facilities. In principle, you can find all basic facilities that you need in compact Maasniel. The map below clearly shows how many amenities you have in Maasniel. So scroll down further and be amazed!

Theelen V.O.F.

Geliefde levensmiddelen zoals frisdranken en kruidenierswaren koop je bij V.O.F. Theelen in Maasniel.

Lidl Supermarkt

Populaire supermarktketen met een vestiging aan de rand van Maasniel.

Leen Bakker

Bekende meubelzaak met een vestiging op de Huis- en Tuinboulevard bij Maasniel.

BijSTOX Tuincentrum

Populair en bekend tuincentrum op de Huis- en Tuinboulevard bij Maasniel.

GAMMA Bouwmarkt

Bekende bouwmarkt op de Huis- en Tuinboulevard bij Maasniel.

Praxis Bouwmarkt

Bekende bouwmarkt op de Huis- en Tuinboulevard bij Maasniel.

ALDI Supermarkt

Bekende supermarktketen met een vestiging op de Huis- en Tuinboulevard bij Maasniel.

Versboerderij Schreurs

Supermarkt in Maasniel

Lokale PLUS supermarkt in Maasniel

Zwembad De Roerdomp

een eigen zwembad in Maasniel? Jazeker!

Basic Fit sportschool

Basic Fit sportschool met een vestiging in Maasniel.

Sporthal Jo Gerrishal

Sporthal Jo Gerrishal in Maasniel, voor diverse sporten.

Voetbalclub SVC2000

Een van de grootste lokale voetbalverenigingen, hier in Maasniel.

Korfbalvereniging Ready 60

Korfbalvereniging in Maasniel, bekend in Roermond en daarbuiten!

Hengelsportvereniging 'Ons Genoegen'

Samen met andere liefhebbers van de hengelsport genieten doe je bij deze vereniging.

Swift Atletiek

Atletiekvereniging in Maasniel.

Tennisclub Maasniel

Tennissen in Roermond doe je bij deze sportvelden waar Tennisclub Maasniel is gevestigd.

Il Fiore Healthcenter (sportschool)

Lekker fitnessen doe je bij Il Fiore Healthcenter in Maasniel.

Yuverta Roermond

MBO opleidingen in Roermond volg je (onder andere) bij Yuverta in Maasniel, in dit gloednieuwe klimaat neutrale gebouw!

Gilde Opleidingen

In Roermond heeft Gilde Opleidingen meerdere vestigingen. Een van de vestigingen vind je hier in Maasniel.


BOL en BBL techniekopleidingen volg je bij Civil in Maasniel.

Montessori basisschool Roermond

Montessori onderwijs volg je hier in Maasniel.

Kinderopvang Bly Roermond

Kinderopvang locatie in Maasniel.

Wings Agora

Een unieke manier van onderwijs vind je bij Wings Agora in Maasniel.

Wings Niekée

Een unieke manier van onderwijs vind je bij Wings Niekée in Maasniel.

Basisschool Neel

Kwalitatieve basisschool in Maasniel met een diverse groep leerlingen.

Fatih Moskee

Moskee in hartje Maasniel.

Dennemarken Maasniel

Fitness en wellness in Maasniel vind je bij Dennemarken.

Ballorig in Maasniel

Binnenspeeltuin in Maasniel
The one-stop-shop for all your basic needs
Sport clubs in your surroundings

Sports in Maasniel

Sports lovers take note: Maasniel is the place to be if you like to enjoy sports in your free time. You can play plenty lots of sports here. Playing football, tennis, angling, swimming, you name it! We have listed some well-known sports clubs and facilities from Maasniel below.

Go for a swim at swimming pool De Roerdomp

Recreational swimming, professional training or aqua jogging, everyone can enjoy swimming at De Roerdomp in Maasniel.

More about De Roerdomp (in Dutch)

Play korfball at Ready 60

At korfball club Ready 60, everyone is welcome to (learn to) play korfball in Maasniel.

Read more about Ready 60 (in Dutch)

Play football at SVC2000

Play football in Maasniel at SVC2000, one of the best-known football clubs in Roermond and the surrounding area.

Read more about SVC2000 (in Dutch)

Education in Maasniel

Nowhere in Roermond do you have as many types of education on offer as in Maasniel. Here. your children can go from their first steps in education right through to further education. This is truly unique, especially considering the size of Maasniel. Your young children are welcome at both BS Neel and the Montessori School for primary education. At both schools, each with its own way of teaching, your children are sure to feel at home. Once they reach secondary school age, they can attend Wings Niekée or Wings Agora near Maasniel. These schools are unique in the region and far beyond. This is because at these schools, your children do not follow the usual subjects and corresponding tests, but take part in so-called ‘challenges’. Together with the teachers involved, the pupils shape their own learning and development process. For further education, they will be welcomed with open arms at Gilde Opleidingen, CIVIL or Yuverta. In fact, a huge number of important and interesting MBO programmes (Dutch education level together with HBO and WO) are offered here. As you can see, in terms of education, Maasniel has plenty to offer.

Read more about education in the region
Discover the community life in Maasniel

Join a local community

Feel right at home in Maasniel by joining one of the many inviting communities. By joing a local club, you do not only get to learn your fellow residents of Maasniel, but also get involved in the local society and culture. We have written down some of the most popular communities in Maasniel for your own convenience.

Archery and hunting horn corps St. Urbanus

Maasniel is also home to Archery and hunting horn corps St. Urbanus. This group has been around since 1885 and can be found at many shooting festivals in the region.

Read more about St. Urbanus

Carnaval community De Katers

Well-known carnaval community that has been around since 1946. To truly integrate in Maasniel, you have to join the local carnaval community.

Read more about V.V. De Katers

Scouting St. Joris

Having fun together has been part of Scouting St. Joris in Maasniel for more than 75 years. Together with the many volunteers, they organise fun activities for kids and young people between the ages of 5 and 24.

Read more about Scouting St. Joris
Get to work at the local business parks

Working in Maasniel

Did you know that Maasniel also has plenty of job opportunities nearby? Aside from being close to the city centre, it is just a short bike ride away from business park Stadsrand Noord, which is filled with both large and small businesses. You can find companies in a variety of industries. This makes the chance of you finding an approriate challenge here quite big! Save yourself a lot of commuting time and look for an exciting job nearby. We are sure you will be able to find a nice job in Maasniel and the Roermond region. Continue reading to get to know more about this particular business park and its businesses.

Read more about business park Stadsrand Noord
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