The education of yourself (and your children) is, of course, incredibly important. Fortunately, Roermond has a diverse range of schools and educational institutions. Both primary and secondary education are amply represented in Roermond. Also, colleges and universities can be found in the Roermond as well. Thanks to excellent train and bus connections, the nearby cities and their universities are easily accessible. This makes the Roermond region a great education hub with a rich educational offering within and nearby the city. Find out more about learning and education in Roermond.
A school for pretty much any stage in life
Whether you are looking for a kindergarten for your little one or a secondary school for that young adolescent at home, Roermond has a wide range of options to choose from. The municipality is home to more than ten kindergartens, and there are plenty of primary schools nearby (within each living environment). As you can tell, there is no lack of choice with regards to education.
Primary schools in Roermond
There is certainly no shortage of primary schools in Roermond! In this municipality, there is almost always a primary school within walking or cycling distance. Discover the range of schools for yourself and read what makes each school unique.
Secondary schools in Roermond
Roermond is also the right place for secondary education, regardless of the level of education (based on the Dutch secondary education system). Special education and new, innovative forms of education can also be found in Roermond.
Higher education in Roermond
Finished secondary school? You don’t have to leave Roermond to pursue further education. Here you will find dozens of valuable, practical courses that are really necessary. Some shortened college studies are also available here. Discover them for yourself!
Education in the region
Ranging from kindergartens to further education, there is a suitable educational establishment for almost everyone in Roermond. Check out the following featured schools in Roermond and the surrounding area to get a first-hand look at the education on offer.
BS St. Theresia
OBS De Stapsteen
Basisschool Neel
Bisschoppelijk College Broekhin
Gilde Opleidingen
Yuverta Roermond
Niekée Roermond
Vrijeschool Christophorus
Basisschool de Zonnewijzer
Basisschool De Steenen Brug
Basisschool Vincent van Gogh
Islamitische Basisschool Roermond Marjam
ROER College Schöndeln
Basisschool Lambertus
Basisschool De Octopus
NT2 Mundium College
Roermond Station
Frequently asked questions about education in Roermond
The primary schools in Roermond are top notch! In fact, within this municipality, there is almost always a primary school within walking or cycling distance of your living environment. Your children are very welcome at primary schools such as BS Neel, the Montessori school and BS De Zonnewijzer, among others.
With secondary schools such as BC Broekhin, Yuverta and Wings Agora, there is a suitable school nearby regardless of your preferred style of education.
After secondary school, your children can take interesting, practical courses at Yuverta and Gilde Opleidingen. From Roermond, you can also get to the region’s colleges and universities very quickly by bus or train.
There is also excellent special education available in Roermond! With schools such as the Herman Broerenschool, the Synergieschool and De Ortolaan, there are institutions specialized in education for children who need a little bit more attention and care.