Discover living in Roermond and its surroundings

Living in Herten

Are you looking for a beautiful (new) home in a village setting with plenty of amenities? Then definitely consider beautiful Herten. This small town of over 8,000 inhabitants is just a few minutes’ cycling distance from the city centre and enjoys a very convenient location. In Herten, you live centrally and close to a beautiful water (sports) area. Herten has many amenities, a rich club life and many modern homes. As a (young) family, living in Herten is very attractive. Have we caught your attention? Then read on and find out more about living in Herten.

Discover living in Herten
What do you need to know about Herten?

Herten in a nutshell

Herten is a popular place in the municipality of Roermond, and is the address for anyone who likes to live in a quiet village but still wants to be close to the city. The place is very popular with (young) families. Not surprisingly, as the kids have plenty of room to move around. Herten also has its own primary schools, nice and close to home. Are you not from this region? Don’t panic! Relatively speaking, many people living in Herten are not originally from Roermond and the surrounding area. Thanks to a rich club life (such as with the popular football club SHH), it is not difficult to integrate into the local community. From Herten, you’ll be at work in no time thanks to a good connection to the A73 highway. Don’t forget that Herten is right next to the Oolderplas. Here you can enjoy yourself on and near the water thanks to a wide range of water sports and recreation. Combine all this with the fact that Herten has many new homes and you will understand why this nice place is high on the wishlist of many (new) residents.

The amenities in Herten

Where can I find local education in Herten? Is there a supermarket nearby? And what about other amenities like restaurants and sports clubs? On the interactive map below, you can easily see which amenities can be found in Herten (spoiler: there are quite a few!)

All amenities in Roermond

Openbare Basisschool De Stapsteen

Lokale basisschool in Herten.

Il Fiore Healthcenter (sportschool)

Fitnessen in Herten? Dat kan absoluut bij dit moderne healthcenter.

Sportvereniging Sint Hadrianus Herten (SHH)

Sporten doe je in Herten bij SHH!

Huisartsenpraktijk Sledsens & Liedekerken

Huisartsenpraktijk in Herten.

Huisartspraktijk Peeters

Huisartspraktijk in Herten

Friends Beach Club Herten

Hippe beachclub in Herten.

Beachclub Oolderhof

Prachtige beachclub in Herten.

Windsurfcenter Roermond

Unieke plek om te surfen in Herten, inclusief surfschool.

Jan Linders

Supermarkt voor de bewoners van Herten en omstreken.

Aetkefee De Biecht

Leuke horecazaak in hartje Herten.

Pizza Pino

Lekkere pizzeria met diverse gerechten.

Resteria 't Gashoes Herten

Hip restaurant in het centrum van Herten.

DA Drogisterij & Parfumerie

Lokale drogisterij & parfumerie in Herten.

Bakkerij Hannen

Zeer geliefde bakker in Herten.

Speeltuin Paterskuil

Kleine speeltuin in Herten

Speeltuin Koppelweide

Kleine speeltuin in Herten


Basisschool in het centrum van Herten

Hockeyclub Concordia

Populaire hockeyclub aan de rand van Herten

TV Toren

de TV toren van Roermond staat in Herten en maakt absoluut deel uit van de Roermondse skyline. Klik verder voor live webcambeelden vanuit de televisietoren.

Scouting St. Hubertus

Besteed je vrije tijd op een uitdagende manier bij Scouting St. Hubertus!
All basic facilities within easy reach
Enjoy your life on and near the water
Sport teams and other clubs nearby

Working out & community life in Herten

For all sports enthusiasts, there are plenty of (sports) clubs in Herten. Join the local football club or take to the water and learn to (wind)surf. We have listed a small selection of clubs below.

Play football at SHH

Local football club SHH (Sint Hadrianus Herten) is a well-loved, fun and above all sportive club with many volunteers and active members from young to old.

Read more about SHH Herten

Learn more about nature with Scouting St. Hubertus

At Scouting St Hubertus, scouts spend their free time in a challenging and active way. Scouting in Herten is a fun club with around 100 young members.

Read more about Scouting St. Hubertus

Learn to surf at the surf school

At the windsurfing centre in Herten, anyone can take accessible surfing lessons taught by professionals with years of experience. Of course, you can also just relax here!

Read more about the windsurf centre in Herten

Education in Herten

For primary education, (young) families in Herten are in the right place. Indeed, in the village itself, you have a choice of two different primary schools. De Hubertusschool in Herten is a school with a Roman Catholic identity but also welcomes children from other religious backgrounds. This school has over 370 pupils and is located in the village centre of Herten. On the edge of the old village centre and the new living area Oolderveste, you will find De Stapsteen public primary school. This primary school has 550 pupils in 22 groups. In (and next to) the school building, De Stapsteen also has a pre-school childcare centre, an after-school childcare centre and a playgroup. So for primary education, your children in Herten are fully equipped.

Read more about education in and around Roermond
Discover community life in Herten

Join a local community

To really integrate, it is wise to join a local club or community. For example, the local carnival community or the archery club of Herten. This way, you will not only meet other inhabitants of the region, you will also make many new friends and know what is going on in your community. Check out some associations below.

Carnaval communities

The party of the year for many residents is definitely carnaval. Join C.V. De Plekkers or C.V. de Waterratte if you want to be involved in carnaval in Herten.

More about carnaval in Herten

Archery club St. Michael

In Herten (Ool) you will also find a proper archery club. Various activities are regularly organised at St Michael’s Archery. Join this friendly group.

Read more about St. Michaël

Fanfare band St. Cecilia

Local brass band St Cecilia has been active in Herten for 125 years. Everyone is welcome at this association, young and old. St Cecilia even offers training courses for anyone who wants to make music.

Read more about fanfare band St. Cecilia

Working in and near Herten

Residents of Herten are in luck. For there is plenty of work to be found in the vicinity. Not only in the city centre of Roermond, which is just a few minutes’ cycling distance, but especially in Herten’s own business park. Merum business park (part of Herten) is a medium-sized and modern business park with many large international employers but also nice, small(er) family businesses. Here, you will not only find interesting service-oriented office jobs but also jobs in the world of automotive and manufacturing. Perfect if you would like to work nearby your new home!

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